Parochial Education Ministry
The School Commission is the main collaborator with the school principal to ensure the continuation of high-quality Catholic education at Our Lady of Lourdes. Members may be parishioners with or without school children or non-parishioners with school children. They are discerned by the Membership Sub-Committee and submitted to the commission for approval. Members may be asked to lead a subcommittee (see below) or act as at-large members serving on one or more subcommittee (see below). Commission meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month (except July). The pastor is an ex officio member of the Commission.
School Development Work Group
A sub-committee of the School Commission, this working group helps support and organize the efforts of the Development Subcommittees: Annual Fund, Communications, Enrollment, Marketing, Planned Giving, PTO, and Spring Benefit.
School Enrollment Work Group
A sub-committee of the School Commission that coordinates efforts in student enrollment and marketing to the community. Major activities include the Irvington Halloween Festival, Spring Open House, year round information signs, and advertising. This is a key committee in encouraging attendance by getting the word out about the many academic opportunities available at Our Lady of Lourdes School.
School Facilities Committee Work Group
A sub-committee of the School Commission that coordinates efforts to maintain and improve the physical makeup of the school buildings. It works in coordination with the Parish Facilities Committee.
School Finance Committee Work Group
A sub-committee of the School Commission that works with the school principal to create and present the annual school budget to the School Commission (for review, comment and approval) and to the Parish Finance Committee (for review and comment). In addition, this committee monitors the progress of income and expenditures monthly, and regularly advises the principal and the School Commission of the progress.
School Membership Work Group
A sub-committee of the School Commission that coordinates efforts for ongoing membership on the School Commission itself. Members assist in planning the annual discernment for new members. It also pursues new families to begin actively participating in the advancement of Our Lady of Lourdes School.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
This organization provides support for the school through various fund raising efforts and volunteer opportunities. Volunteers may serve as classroom parents, recess monitors, or assist in fund-raising.
School Volunteers
This is an opportunity to assist the school faculty and staff in day-to-day operations. Volunteers may serve in the school office assisting with the phones or be responsible for copying, collating, and delivering papers to classrooms.
Evangelization and Faith Formation Ministry
Evangelization/Faith Formation Ministry, consultative to the Coordinator of Religious Education, Pastor and Parish Council, establishes policies and works to achieve goals pertaining to the ongoing evangelization and lifelong faith formation of the parish. Members of this ministry are discerned by the Pastor and CRE, and appointed by the Pastor. The evangelization component of the ministry will begin to unfold in 2021-2022.
Baptismal Preparation
Required for first-time parents. This one-evening program is designed to enhance the spiritual preparation for the sacrament of Baptism and to heighten awareness of the shared responsibility of family and Parish community to nurture the faith life of the child. It is held quarterly.
Confirmation Preparation
The sacrament of Confirmation has a preparation period coinciding with the academic year. Youths entering the 8th grade or currently enrolled in high school may enroll in the Confirmation program. Teens are expected to fully participate in the preparation sessions and related events and attend Mass regularly. Instruction sessions are held approximately twice a month in Bernadette Hall during the academic year.
First Reconciliation (Confession) and First Holy Eucharist
These sacraments are normally received in 2nd grade for children baptized in the Catholic faith. A child must be at least 7 years of age, must have completed one year of consistent participation in religious formation in a Catholic school or a Catholic catechetical program, and be enrolled in their second year. Essential for the preparation of First Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist is regular worship in Sunday Mass and a commitment on the part of the parents to continue religious formation after the child has received these sacraments.
Marriage Preparation
Preparation requires a minimum of six months. This sacrament means more than a wedding rite; it designates the lifelong commitment and relationship of husband and wife. Matrimony is not so much what a couple receives as what a couple becomes and how they exemplify Jesus’ love for His people by their love for one another. To schedule the first meeting with the pastor or permanent deacon, contact the parish secretary.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
This process is specifically designed to instruct those who are interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about their Catholic faith. It is held in Bernadette Hall each Wednesday, from September to May. Volunteers are needed to coordinate and to serve as sponsors who accompany candidates through the process. A sponsor description is available.
Sunday Religious Education
This program is specifically designed to teach Catholic Catechism and the life of the Faith to children in grades 1 through 8 who are attending a non-Catholic school. It is held in the Bernadette Hall from 8:30-9:45am on most Sundays during the academic year. Volunteers are needed to teach children about their Catholic faith, utilizing the resources and training provided by the CRE. Catechist job descriptions are available.
Vacation Bible School
This program is designed to teach children, in grades 1 through 5, about new aspects of our Catholic and Christian faith. Children share in song and praise, arts and crafts, snacks and play. The program is held one week during summer vacation. Volunteers are needed for the planning committee as well as to serve as leaders and assistants in the areas of worship, crafts, recreation, and snacks. Volunteer job descriptions are available.
Stewardship Ministry
The Stewardship Ministry is the umbrella for all of the ministries that deal with our financial, parish plant, and volunteer “assets”. This Ministry is comprised of the chairpersons of each of the ministries, along with staff ex officio members – Business Manager, Parish Secretary, Stewardship and Communications Coordinator, and Pastor. The ministry meets at least twice a year for intra-communication of projects, goals, and dreaming.
Collection Counters
These volunteers assist the Business Manager in the posting of stewardship donations to the Church. These are non-familial related, adult volunteers, who work on a rotating basis as teams to count the Sunday, Holyday and special collections. Counting requires two to three hours of time. Training is provided.
Marketing Communications Committee
This working group assists the Pastor and Pastoral Staff in development and oversight of all communication platforms of the parish (e.g., parish bulletin, parish website, Facebook, Flocknote, etc.) They collaborate with the School Commission for consistency of design and message.
Engagement Committee
This committee focuses upon giving parishioners opportunities to use their talents to be Christ to others. This is done by identifying talents (e.g., via the parish census and annual parish appeal) and opportunities through other Lourdes ministries, and then communicating this back to the parishioners. The goal is for every parishioner to be engaged with the parish on multiple levels to advance the parish mission. Membership to this vital work in our parish is open to any registered parishioner, high school age and up.
Facilities and Maintenance Committee
This working group maintains the functionality of all Parish facilities and major equipment. These adult volunteers meet monthly to evaluate the physical needs, renovations, and upkeep of the Parish. The committee provides guidelines for the use, maintenance, and expansion of all parish facilities and is responsible for developing and implementing an ongoing general maintenance schedule. They collaborate closely with the maintenance staff. Those with expertise in electrical, painting, drywall, plumbing or general construction are much needed.
Fall Festival
This working group provides oversight for the annual Fall Festival, the proceeds of which support the general Parish operating budget. Adult volunteers are needed to chair, plan, coordinate, and manage the various areas of the festival. The Fall Festival offers a wide variety of carnival food, games, and entertainment which promote social interaction between parishioners and the community. Volunteers of all ages are needed to assist with booths and/or games. Adults serving alcohol must have appropriate state required license. All adults must have a current background check on file. Resource materials are available.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee assists the Pastor and Business Manager in developing and overseeing a parish budget process, providing for financial controls and analysis of financial reports, review and approval of annual operating budget and capital (facility) budget, review of extraordinary expenditures exceeding $5,000, and review and recommendation of policies pertaining to the liquid assets of the parish, especially endowments and bequests. The committee also provides necessary assurances and periodic reports to the parish relative to the parish finances. Members of this committee serve for three years, and may renew for an additional three years. Experience in accounting, finance, management and the law are preferred for membership.
Fundraising and Sponsorship
This working group is composed of the chair and/or co-chairs of all fundraising events. It is charged with coordination of fundraising activities among the various Parish and School groups. This subcommittee coordinates major sponsorship requests, develops processes to streamline communication with sponsors, and continues to look for new ways to raise funds to support the Parish and School ministry goals and objectives. Volunteers willing to chair or co-chair fundraising events or coordinate between the groups are always needed.
Gardening & Landscaping
This “get into the dirt” ministry maintains the numerous garden areas on the Parish grounds and oversees seasonal clean-up days. Volunteers of all ages plant various flowers, spread mulch, pull weeds, and trim shrubbery throughout the Parish grounds.
Long-range Planning
Sometimes referred to as the “Capital Campaign Committee”, this is a subcommittee of both the Finance Committee and Facilities Committee. It is charged with assisting the pastor in prioritizing and planning for the long-term capital needs of all facilities and grounds on our parish campus. These adult volunteers meet at various times with Finance Committee, Parish Council, School Commission and Facilities Committee leaders to help monitor the priorities and capital funding requirements. This group also works with donors to align funding for the identified needs. Those with expertise in finance, project management, and fundraising are much needed.
Safety and Security Committee
This committee is charged with assessing the safety and security of our campus, designing protocols and training of volunteers (e.g., ushers, staff) in the areas of fire emergencies, weather emergencies, and intruder emergencies. They also advise the Facilities Committee on safety and security measures needed (e.g. lighting, security cameras, and other technologies). The group meets on an as-needed basis.
Technology Committee
Members of this Committee, in collaboration with the Parish and School staffs, continually monitor and evaluate the technological needs of the parish. They advise the Pastor and principal regarding equipment, hardware and software applications to assure the parish maintains a quality system for managing the business and communication needs of the parish and all of its ministries.
Parish Office Volunteers
This ministry assists the Parish staff by answering the phones and office door, preparing parish mailings, and helping in other ways as needed. These volunteers are vital to the ongoing daily operations and work flow in the office. Time commitments vary according to an individual’s availability and the needs of the office.
Vocations Awareness
This committee is charged with raising the awareness of parishioners of all ages of the vocational opportunities and needs in the Roman Catholic Church. These would include priesthood, religious life, marriage, single adult, and lay ministry serving in the Church. New members are welcome.
Community Life Ministry
Community Life Ministry is the umbrella for all of the ministries that deal with the community life of our parish and our neighbors. The Ministry is comprised of the chairperson or lead of each of the ministries below, along with staff. The ministry meets at least twice a year for intra-communication of projects, goals, and dreaming.
Athletic Committee
This committee, supported by the Archdiocesan CYO office, works with young people to develop strong moral character, self-esteem and leadership qualities through activities of a social, educational, recreational and athletic nature. These volunteers set annual athletic fees and coordinate season games, practice times, and various gym activities. Adult volunteers are needed to coach and coordinate all parish sports activities with the CYO office. All volunteers must undergo a background check and complete Safe and Sacred training. Training resources are available.
Gym Concession Stand
Related to the Athletic Committee, the Concession Stand is open during all home and tournament games, providing snacks, sweets, and beverages for purchase. Adult volunteers are needed to maintain inventory and oversee the operation during games. All volunteers must undergo a background check and complete Safe and Sacred training. Training is provided.
Coffee and Donuts
This ministry serves coffee and donuts following Mass on the 3rd Sunday of each month in Bernadette Hall. These volunteers are responsible for setting up, assisting with serving as needed, and cleaning up Bernadette Hall afterwards. They work with the “host” ministry (rotating each month so that various ministries can be promoted).
Men’s Club
This organization, open to all 21-year-old male parishioners and fathers of students at Our Lady of Lourdes School, provides an opportunity for the men of our Parish to congregate, share ideals, promote spiritual growth of its members as they interact and serve individuals, organizations and groups in Our Lady of Lourdes. The members plan and coordinate several Parish activities and fundraisers during the year. Meetings are held the first Sunday of the month. New members are welcome.
This organization of adults over the age of 55 provides opportunities for Christian service, group activities, and fellowship. The members gather during various times throughout the year. Notifications are posted in the weekly bulletin. New members are welcome.
Welcome Committee
The work of this ministry is to connect new parishioners to “companion parishioners” who will introduce the new folks to the life of the parish and be a familiar face in their first year in the parish. A resource as to the role and expectations of being a “companion parishioner” is available.
Young Adults
This group is open to all young adults (ages 18-35) of the parish. The group will participate in the various activities offered by the Archdiocesan Office of Young Adult and College Campus Ministry (YACCM). The opportunities include intramural sports such as bowling, kickball, and volleyball, service opportunities, small group bible and book studies, monthly adoration, and Theology on Tap.
Boy Scouts Adult Leaders
This program offers support and guidelines for those who serve in volunteer leadership positions for all areas of Boy Scouting.
Boy Scouts
This organization provides a year-round program, for boys aged 11-17 years, that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of citizenship, develops personal fitness and confidence in the outdoors, as well as introducing them to various hobbies and career fields. Adult volunteers are needed to offer leadership at weekly meetings, oversee camping endeavors, maintain scouting achievement logs, help coordinate fundraising, and work directly with the youth to promote the Boy Scout mission by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. All volunteers must undergo a background check and complete Safe and Sacred training. Training resources are available.
Cub Scouts
This organization provides a year-round family and home-centered program, for boys in the first through fifth grade (or who are 6-11 years old), that helps develop skills with activities that emphasize character development, citizenship training, personal fitness and STEM career readiness. Meeting times vary. Adult volunteers are needed to offer leadership at weekly activity and monthly recognition meetings, to maintain scouting achievement logs, help coordinate fundraising, and work directly with the youth. All volunteers must undergo a background check and complete Safe and Sacred training. Training resources are available.
Girl Scouts
This organization helps girls, kindergarten through eighth grade, develop their full individual potential; relate to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect; develop values to guide their actions and provide the foundation for sound decision-making; and contribute to the improvement of society through their abilities, leadership skills, and cooperation with others. Adult volunteers are needed to offer leadership at meetings and assist in planning various enriching experiences, such as field trips, community service projects, cultural exchanges, and environmental stewardship. Meeting times vary. All volunteers must undergo a background check and complete Safe and Sacred training. Training resources are available.
Girl Scout Service Unit
This leadership team coordinates annual camp-outs and events, as well as offers support and guidance for those who serve in volunteer leadership positions in all areas of Girl Scouting. This organization is the only service unit in our area that is completely contained within one school because there is always such a large number of registered girls. These members meet once a month.
Parish Social Ministries
Parish Social Ministry Advocates
Parish Social Ministry Advocates is a team of parishioners who promote and advocate the living of our faith through service to others. By calling existing parish ministries to coordinate and collaborate, as well as by generating new ideas and opportunities, the committee strives to increase the interest and desire for parishioner involvement toward making positive impact on people and the world.
Bereavement Committee
This ministry provides continuous support to those who experience the loss of a loved one. Members serve as ministers of hospitality and (as needed) Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at funeral liturgies. They continue to remain in contact with the bereaved through follow-up calls and cards. Resource materials are available.
Christmas Dinner
Volunteers coordinate a Christmas Dinner for the community to share. This ministry continues a St. Bernadette parish tradition. The home-cooked meal is prepared at the school cafeteria, and then served at Bernadette Hall. All are welcome! A special effort is made to make certain no one is alone on Christmas Day!
Creation Care
Creation Care Ministry is responsible for implementing the Creation Care Plan developed in the summer of 2019. Through efforts here on our campus they work to develop a culture of energy, water and waste management. They are charged with on-going education of the parish and parishioner households in the theology of and best practices for caring for our common world. This ministry partners with other Christian churches through the Eastside Creation Care Network (ECCN) and the Archdiocesan Creation Care Commission.
Family Promise of Greater Indianapolis
Family Promise is a partnership of congregations and community organizations responding to the crisis of children and their families who are homeless. They work to eliminate homelessness in Greater Indianapolis. Our Lady of Lourdes partners with six other local congregations of the Irvington Association of Ministers (IAM) to house, feed, and transport, one week a quarter, up to four families who are in the Family Promise program. Our Lady of Lourdes provides volunteers one day of each quarterly week – cooks, servers, van drivers, night chaperones, etc.
Funeral Meal Ministry
This ministry provides a luncheon for bereaved family members and friends following a funeral liturgy. There are two facets of this ministry. Many members prepare delicious salads, entrees, side dishes and desserts after they receive notification of a funeral luncheon. There are also members who help with set-up preparations, serving the meal, and clean up. Most meals are provided in Bernadette Hall. New volunteers are always welcome to join this wonderful and greatly appreciated ministry team!
Global Solidarity Ambassador(s)
Global Solidarity is a component of Catholic Relief Services. The parish Global Solidarity Ambassador is charged with placing monthly educational items related to GSAP and CRS’ work in parish bulletin, our school’s Paw Prints, websites and Friday Newsletter (Flocknote). They also act as liaison in any Global Emergency Response designated by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Catholic Relief Services office. The annual Rice Bowl (Lent) and Fair Trade events also fall under their rubric.
Habitat for Humanity
Our Lady of Lourdes has been involved historically with Habitat for Humanity. More than twice the parish has worked with other churches and more recently, with people of other faiths, in volunteering in the building of homes. The hope is to make this an annual involvement, especially in providing volunteers to assist in the builds. Volunteers are solicited during the builds.
Health Ministry
This ministry promotes the holistic wellness of mind, body and spirit based on Christian values. These ministers may be medical professionals or caring parishioners interested in encouraging and assisting individuals and families within the community to a healthier life style.
Holy Family Shelter
This is a ministry of Archdiocesan Catholic Charities of Indianapolis. The shelter relies on volunteers to prepare and serve weekend meals. Our Lady of Lourdes Parish provides volunteers every first Sunday of the month to prepare and serve (10:30am until 1:00pm) lunch for shelter residents. During December the volunteers also provide physical assistance to the residents in their Christmas gift shopping and wrapping. This is an ideal volunteer opportunity for families, neighbors, scout troops, etc.
Homebound Ministry
This ministry visits and provides the Eucharist to those who are homebound, in nursing and rehabilitation care or hospitalized and consequently unable to join the Lourdes community for Mass. Visits are scheduled at mutually agreed upon times between those involved.
Pro Life Ministry is dedicated to increasing awareness and promoting Pro Life and religious liberty. The means used for this are sharing information to educate and encourage participation in events and opportunities which express support for these authentically Catholic issues.
Social Justice Ministry
Social Justice is a constitutive part of the Gospel and our Catholic Faith. This ministry seeks to implement the Gospel’s call to build peace, work for justice and care for the poor in our parish, community and the entire world. Using Catholic social teaching as a guide, this ministry seeks to provide opportunities for individuals and the parish family as a whole to build a more just and equitable world.
St. Vincent de Paul
This working group endeavors to provide short-term assistance to the less fortunate living within the parish boundaries, especially during the holiday seasons. Members of this ministry meet monthly (currently every fourth Wednesday) to plan and coordinate their efforts to assist those in need. Every fourth Saturday morning of the month members work in pairs to make home visits to those who have requested help with household goods. Volunteers from the parish also have the opportunity work at the SVdP Warehouse, Mission 27 Re-sale stores or the Food Pantry once every six weeks. The parish group is affiliated with the Archdiocesan Council, as well as the National and World-wide St. Vincent de Paul organizations.
Thanksgiving Dinner
This ministry, in collaboration with other Irvington congregations, coordinates a Thanksgiving Dinner for the community to share. These ministers decorate the school cafeteria, provide door prizes, prepare the food, bake the turkeys and pies, deliver to shut-ins or serve the dinners, and clean-up afterwards.
Spirituality and Worship Ministry
The Spirituality and Worship Ministry plans and offers opportunities for parishioners to grow closer to Christ through participation in events directed at providing spiritual growth opportunities. It is composed of the leaders of the Festival of Prayer, Spiritual Journey, Lourdes Word, Liturgy Committee and at-large members. This body of leaders meets at least twice a year.
Festival of Prayer
This opportunity to experience various forms of prayer in the Catholic tradition is celebrated each year from February 11th (the Feast of our Lady of Lourdes) until February 18th (the feast of St. Bernadette).
Lourdes Word
This ministry produces, edits, and mails a journal of stories, poems and reflections submitted by parishioners highlighting their personal spiritual journey. This group of volunteers meets quarterly to prepare the publication.
Men’s Prayer Group – Monday Night
This gathering provides an opportunity for small group prayer, discussion, and personal petitions. Participants continue to pray for each other’s needs throughout the week. Meetings are held typically in Bernadette Hall on the second Monday of the month; they last approximately two hours. Periodically there is an opportunity for an annual retreat.
Men’s Prayer Group – Tuesday Night
This gathering provides an opportunity for small group prayer, discussion, and personal petitions. Participants read and discuss scripture, and apply their Catholic faith to find answers to their needs. They are closely involved in each other’s prayer needs. Meetings are held weekly at 9:00 pm in the sacristy (and sometimes in a home, or during COVID, through Zoom.
Rosary Ministry
Members of this ministry gather with interested parishioners in the chapel or at the grotto to pray this Marian devotion. Opportunities are listed (or provided) each week in the parish bulletin and Friday e-newsletter. During the Annual Festival of Prayer, ministry members assist with the Rosary Walk, and during the Marian months of May and October, there are often special opportunities available. If unable to join in person, parishioners are encouraged to pray the Rosary at home in unity with those present.
Spiritual Journey
This group seeks to nurture the spiritual renewal of all parishioners by promoting a variety of activities and events both within the parish and within the larger cohort community. These opportunities serve to sustain and enrich our relationship as Companions on the Journey.
Liturgy Committee
ThIs committee, working with the pastor and deacon, is responsible for the coordination and planning of all liturgical celebrations of the parish and occasional ecumenical celebrations at the parish. They also develop policies and best practices for the liturgical ministers, training of new ministers and periodic updating of current ministers. The committee is composed of the leaders of Art and Environment, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers, Greeters), Servers, Sacristans, and the Parish Music Director. Other “at large” members, people who have a love for and interest in liturgy, are welcome.
Altar Linens
This ministry oversees the care of the Church linens on a weekly basis. These ministers launder, press, and fold the finger towels, purificators, corporals and other miscellaneous linens utilized during the liturgies. Specifications on the care of the linens are provided.
Art and Environment
This working group decorates and enhances the worship space, which involves creating appropriate surroundings and rich symbolic representation in keeping with the liturgical seasons. These ministers, working together, transform the Church with flowers, greenery, colored tapestries, and candles. Volunteers are especially welcome in late Advent (Christmas decorating) and Holy Week (Easter decorating).
Baptismal Garments
One of the gifts our parish gives to newly baptized infants is a ritual white garment. Folks cut and sew simple patterns into white overlays which are placed on the infant during Baptism. The gown is given to the parents as a keepsake.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
This program is designed specifically to proclaim the Sunday Gospel to first and second grade schoolchildren. It is held during the Sunday 10 a.m. Mass throughout the school year in the upper room of the church tower. Volunteers are needed to lead the celebration of the Word with the children. Training is available.
Church Cleaning
A church building requires weekly care and upkeep. Church cleaners may be individuals or families, preferably working as a team to dust, sweep, and vacuum the main sanctuary, nave, vestibule and choir loft. Prior to the Christmas and Easter seasons, they complete an overall deep cleaning. Procedures and cleaning materials are provided.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Those involved in this ministry assist in the distribution of the Lord’s Precious Body and Blood at Mass. Some of these ministers may also serve as communion service leaders. And still some take communion to parishioners who are home-bound, in a nursing facility or hospital. Training is required.
Hospitality (Ushers/Greeters)
Hospitality is an essential part of all of our Parish liturgies. These ministers are responsible for greeting parishioners and visitors, finding available seating when needed, taking up collection, guiding folks during processions (e.g., communion) and distributing bulletins and other handouts after the Mass. They are required to arrive at least twenty minutes prior to Mass. Volunteers are scheduled on a monthly, rotating basis.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at weekend, holyday, and special liturgies throughout the year. They should have good speaking skills such as: effective use of a microphone, careful annunciation, good eye contact, appropriate rate of speech, the ability to convey emotions, gain and keep the attention of listeners, and the ability to convey enthusiasm and motivate listeners. Lector Source Books are available for instruction, practice and review.
Liturgical music is an essential part of Roman Catholic liturgy. Those who are music ministers, under the supervision of the Parish Music Director, may be individuals, adults, teens or children who wish to “make a joyful noise” to encourage congregational prayer and worship at weekend liturgies, funerals, weddings, penance services, other liturgical celebrations or occasional concerts.
Cantors are ‘animators’ of the Assembly’s song, providing encouragement and some direction to the Assembly. They also lead the acclamations, psalm, and sing the verses of antiphonal music. Quality of voice and ability are required. Training is provided
Adult Choir
Our choir is open to all, high-school age and above, who have a love of liturgical music and singing in a mixed voice group. Try-outs are not required. Rehearsal is typically Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm in the choir loft.
From time-to-time, additional instruments are employed to enhance our celebrations. If you play an instrument – brass, woodwind, string, percussion – and would like to offer your talent, contact the Parish Music Director!
Folk Ensemble
This adult, mixed voice and instrumentalist ensemble typically sings at the 10:00 am Mass once a month, and for special occasions as they arise. Rehearsal is once a week, usually on Monday evenings.
Prayers of the Faithful
The Prayers of the Faithful are an essential part of our weekend and holyday liturgies. These ministers may be individuals, couples or families who compose prayerful petitions for the parish weekend and holy day during a month. Guidelines and resource materials are available.
Scheduler of Liturgical Ministers
At Our Lady of Lourdes, all weekend and holyday liturgical ministers are scheduled by means of the on-line software, “Ministry Scheduler Pro”. Schedules, rosters, and a means by which to seek substitutes are included.
This ministry provides the priest and deacon with assistance during all liturgies, including funerals and weddings. These ministers are generally 6th, 7th, 8th graders, and high school age male or female students. Training is required.
Servers’ Garments
This ministry undertakes the care of the white albs worn by the servers. These ministers launder, press, and mend on a monthly rotation the albs and additional garments worn by the servers.
Sacristans oversee the set-up for all liturgies. These ministers are responsible for unlocking and locking the church, preparation of the Lectionary and Roman Missal, setting out the sacred vessels and appropriate linens. They also ensure that all other liturgical ministries have adequate coverage at each celebration. Weekend and weekday sacristans should arrive 30 minutes prior to Mass. Weekend sacristans are scheduled on a rotating basis. Weekday sacristans are scheduled for a particular day of the week. Training is required.