Our academic instruction and curricular materials are aligned with the Indiana Academic Standards (see below). We participate in all state standardized testing including WIDA, ILEARN, and IREAD-3.
We welcome all to OLL who desire a Catholic Education. Practicing Catholics and students of other faith traditions learn and share together as one community with an ever-present focus on love for God and Neighbor. All grade levels from the littles to the bigs learn about our Catholic Christian Faith. This instruction is aligned with our Archdiocese of Indianapolis Religion Instructional Standards (see below). We also ensure opportunities for service learning in the spirit of not only understanding the Gospel of Jesus, but also being it.
Highlights from daily instruction:
- Science of reading-based reading instruction including phonics and phonemic awareness
- Quality children’s literature for reading comprehension and analysis
- Writing instruction and practice embedded in all language arts curriculum
- An emphasis on growing academic vocabulary
- Mathematics instruction emphasizing application of mathematical concepts
- Social studies curriculum at all grade levels with an emphasis on complementing non-fiction reading and writing
- Science instruction at all levels which includes opportunities for hands-on experimentation and activities
- Opportunities in physical education, health, nutrition, band, general music, Spanish, visual art, digital technology