Catholic schools help children to become the men and women God created them to be. Forming the spirit is central to our mission as educators.
All Are Welcome
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School welcomes all families who identify with our core values. We respect religious diversity and welcome families of all faith backgrounds, although all students are expected to attend and participate in prayer, the Mass, and religious education classes. Students celebrate the true meaning of Christmas and Easter, observe the seasons of Advent and Lent, and learn about and honor the saints, holy men and women who are role models for us in our journey of faith. For non-Catholic students, the focus is on deepening personal relationships with Jesus Christ and developing a greater understanding between Christian churches. Our teachers do not try to convert students of other faith backgrounds.

Weekly Mass
All students and teachers attend Mass on Friday mornings as a school community. Beginning in 2nd grade, students take leadership roles in the Mass through the readings, choir, ushering, and bearing gifts. Middle school students are invited and encouraged to become trained as altar servers. Our school celebrates Holy Days as a school community through the Mass, as well. Family members are always welcome to join our school community for weekly Masses.
Sacramental Preparation
The Sacraments offer Catholic children the opportunity to receive God’s grace and classroom teachers prepare Catholic students for these important milestones. Second-grade students are offered the opportunity to prepare for their First Communion and Reconciliation. Students in grades 3-8 have the opportunity to participate in Reconciliation at least once during the school year. Eighth-grade students are offered the opportunity to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Service Learning
Recognizing the importance of service for all students, Our Lady of Lourdes provides an education that prepares them for college and activities that teach them to be good stewards to others. During the Advent season, students collect canned foods for St. Vincent de Paul. During the Lenten season, students participate in Catholic Relief Service’s Rice Bowl and learn about the work Catholic Relief Services does globally. Middle school students participate in service projects at Gleaner’s Food Pantry and for the Sisters of St. Francis in Oldenberg, Indiana.