The Sacrament of Holy Orders
The Sacrament of Holy Orders is one of the seven sacraments instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church. It is the means by which the mission given by Jesus to His apostles continues in the Church until the end of time. Through Holy Orders, men are ordained as bishops, priests, or deacons, receiving the grace and authority to serve the People of God in a unique and sacred way.
Three Degrees of Holy Orders
The Sacrament of Holy Orders consists of three distinct degrees:
Bishop (Episcopate) – Bishops receive the fullness of the sacrament and are successors to the apostles. They have the authority to teach, govern, and sanctify the Church. Bishops oversee a diocese and ordain priests and deacons to continue the mission of the Church.
Priest (Presbyterate) – Priests are co-workers with the bishops and are responsible for leading the faithful through the sacraments, preaching the Gospel, and shepherding parish communities. They celebrate the Eucharist, hear confessions, anoint the sick, and administer other sacraments.
Deacon (Diaconate) – Deacons are ordained to serve the Church in ministries of charity, proclaim the Gospel, and assist at Mass. They may baptize, witness marriages, and preside at funerals. There are two types of deacons: transitional (those preparing for the priesthood) and permanent (those who remain in the diaconate, often married men).
The Rite of Ordination
The sacrament is conferred through the laying on of hands by a bishop and the prayer of consecration. This sacred act invokes the Holy Spirit to bestow the necessary graces for the ordained ministry. The newly ordained receives a stole and chasuble (for priests) or a stole and dalmatic (for deacons) as symbols of their office.
The Call to Serve
Holy Orders is a calling, not a career. Those discerning a vocation to the priesthood or diaconate undergo years of formation, prayer, and study. The Church encourages young men to remain open to the possibility of serving Christ in this sacred capacity.
Praying for Vocations
The Church urges the faithful to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and diaconate. Supporting seminarians and encouraging those discerning a religious vocation strengthens the future of the Church.
If you or someone you know is considering the priesthood or diaconate, we encourage you to speak with our parish priest for guidance and support in the discernment process.